My name is Erika Sandstrom and I am in my 30th year as an educator including grades 3-8 in several subject areas. My experience includes 8 years of teaching in Missouri and I am currently in my 21st year in the Peabody Public Schools teaching grades 6th-8th as a Digital Media Teacher and was the Yearbook Manager for 3 years. I also serve on our district Technology Team and recently became a Mindfulness Coach for Peabody as well where we are launching my Mindful Super Hero Club district-wide. Additionally, I am also a Delegation Leader for People To People International and have traveled to 16 countries with students. I truly enjoy teaching and traveling with students as they are always so enthusiastic about seeing new places and meeting new people from all walks of life…plus we always get great footage for our Green Screen! In my free time I am also a Yoga/Pilates Instructor and own a paint and sip company called The Painter's Pub.
Additionally, I am a Green Screen and Video Production PD instructor for MASSCUE and for Salem State Collaborative who provide PD for educators and administrators that services 160 school districts in Massachusetts. I truly enjoy creating courses and teaching staff development to fellow educators and administrators! Additionally, I have been featured in several Podcasts, magazines, educational summits, LIVE Instagram streams, and my Mindfulness enthusiasm is derived from 16 years as a Yoga/Pilates Instructor. My Green screen Fever is hopefully contagious as I believe every educator would benefit using this technology in their schools for curriculum but most of all Mindful SEL as it is so powerful! I have a huge dream to teach all educators worldwide and was dubbed “Green Screen Gal!” My new series launching in 2020 of lesson plans, tutorials, and an online course is called “Cultivating Compassion Through CREATIVITY!” I hope to play with y’all soon as the JOY it brings is wonderful for ALL ages!